Perio Practice Sold in Mansfield!
Dr. Morris Wasylenki has recently purchased the Mansfield, Ohio periodontal practice of Dr. Winfield Meek. Congratulations to both doctors on a successful transition!
Set the Wheels in Motion!
Ready to Sell your Practice? Call Paul, Mollie or Don and set the wheels in motion for a successful retirement!
Testimonial #26
“A special thank you to Don & Mollie for their assistance in the purchase of my periodontal practice by Dr. Morris Wasylenki. Don’s goal was that it would be fair to all parties & we would become friends at the
Are You Ready to Transition / Sell Your Dental Practice?
When we visit a practice or speak to a doctor, the single most frequently asked question that we hear is “How do I know when I am ready to transition my practice?” The answer to this question lies with two
Perrysburg Practice Sold!
Dr. Jon Dove would like to welcome the patients of Dr. David Milne to his practice, Perrysburg Family Dentisty.
Testimonial #25
“I am very happy with the ease of transitioning this purchase into our practice and would acquire another practice through PI in an instant. Thanks again for great service and being able to push this purchase through without missing a